Game Programming 1 - Unit 7

Learning outcomes

  • Design a background using a tile set
  • Create a sprite animation
  • Design and program a platform game
  • Program objects to load and save games

To-do List

  1. Watch video - Using tiles
  2. Watch video - Using animated sprites
  3. Watch video - Loading and saving games
  4. Watch video - Space adventure
  5. Complete assignment - Space Adventure


None for this unit.



Using tiles

Using animated sprites

Loading and saving games


Space Adventure 
 Summary: Create a game that lets the player control a space man to collect diamonds and destroy walls (or other objects). Use the assignment project file (located here ) to complete the following tasks. Look at the objects and how they are used in the room before trying to work on the assignment. Watch the assignment video. Click on the File menu item and make sure Advanced Mode is checked. This is necessary to see the TILES tab in the Room editor. Expand the tiles box to see all tiles. Tiles are just for decoration so you will need to overlay certain areas with invisible objects to create floors and walls.

 Total Points: 100 Each step is 5 points each.
  1. Create a Title Screen room with background music. Use the tiles to create your Title Screen.
  2. Add a button to the Title Screen to allow the player to begin a new game.
  3. Add a button to the Title Screen to allow the player to continue a saved game.
  4. Adjust the power of the jump so the spaceman can jump to the level above.
  5. Add a sound when the spaceman jumps.
  6. Add more wall and floor objects so the spaceman will not fall off the screen.
  7. Add more decorations using the Tiles tab of the room. Add at least another cloud, a sign pointing to the right to indicate an exit and a flower. (The tileset is bigger than the display so scroll over to see more tiles.)
  8. Add an invisible object (uncheck the Visible option in the object properties) on the right side of the screen so that if the spaceman touches it the player will be taken to the next room.
  9. Increase the score when the diamond is touched. Destroy the diamond when it is touched.
  10. Create another level (room).
  11. Add an object that when touched will take the player to the Game Over room.
  12. Add music to both game levels.
  13. Add a button in both game levels to allow the player to save the game.
  14. Create a Game Over room with background music.
  15. Add a button to the Game Over room to allow the player to return to the title screen.
  16. Add a button to the Game Over room to allow the player to exit the game.
  17. Add a High Score option to the Game Over room.
  18. Add a wall object that can be destroyed by the bullet (see next page).
Bullet (7 points total)
  • Launched with (space bar) key release event. (1 point)
  • Destroy instance of bullet when it collides with a wall or destroyable wall (1 point)
  • Bullet must go left or right depending of which direction the player is facing
    • Set a variable (control tab) when the player presses left or right. Set the value to 1 for left and 2 for right. (1 point)
    • Test the variable (control tab) when the player presses the space bar to determine the direction the bullet should go.
    • Test your variable for a value of 1. (1 point)
    • If value of 1 then send the bullet left (1 point) ELSE send the bullet right. (1 point)
  • Play a sound when the bullet fires. (1 point)
Game Information: Add the title of the assignment, your name and date to the game information (located under the resources menu item). (3 points)

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