Game Programming - Unit 3

Learning outcomes

  • Use random control actions
  • Design a program to create objects

To-do List

  1. Watch video - Random events
  2. Watch assignment video - Diamond Explorer
  3. Complete assignment - Diamond Explorer


None for this unit.


Random events


Diamond Explorer 

Summary: Create a game where an explorer follows the mouse cursor and collects diamonds. Diamonds are randomly created by a spawning object. Watch the assignment video for a sample of play.  

Total Points: 100 Sprites: Diamond, explorer, wall, spawner, continue button (10 points - 2 points each). Draw your own sprites for each. Do not use images created by someone else.
Sounds and Music: Add a sound for when the explorer collects a diamond (5 points) and when the spawner creates a new diamond. (5 points)

 Background: Create a background for the Game over room. (5 points) Create a background for the Title screen room. (5 points) Objects:
  • Explorer, wall, diamond, spawner, continue button (10 points - 2 points each)
  • Explorer – Will follow the mouse cursor (5 points). Destroys diamonds when a collision occurs. (5 points). Plays a sound after collision with diamond. (5 points)
  • Diamonds – bounce after collision with wall. (5 points)
  • Spawner – randomly creates diamonds and sends them off. (10 points) Sound plays when diamond created. (5 points)
  • Continue button - start the game from the title screen.
  • Other – Game over when no more diamond instance are in the room (check for this in the End Step event for the explorer). (5 points) Add a transition between rooms. (2 points)
  • Create a room and add a border with the wall object, add wall objects inside of the room, add the Explorer object, the Spawner object and two diamonds. (5 points)
  • Create the Game over room. (5 points)
  • Create the Title screen room with continue button. (5 points)
Game Information: Add the title of the assignment, your name and date to the game information (located under the resources menu item). (3 points)

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