Game Programming - Unit 4

Learning outcomes

  • Program objects with gravity
  • Compare two game programming languages
  • Discuss two game programming languages
  • Design a program to let a player navigate obstacles.

To-do List

  1. Watch video - Using gravity
  2. Watch assignment video - The navigator
  3. Complete assignment - The navigator
  4. Complete Unit 4 discussion
  5. Complete Unit 4 quiz


Game programming languages

Use the discussion board titled "Game programming languages" in Blackboard and compare two programs used for creating games. List the title (8 points), company(8 points), website url(8 points), price(8 points), intended user (beginner, hobbyist, expert, etc...)(8 points), brief description of the software(8 points) and five user reviews about each program(8 points each). In your own words, compare the two programs in one or two paragraphs(12 points). Do not use programs that other students have already posted.


Using gravity

If you are using Stencyl, select the room, select Physics, set the direction to down for the gravity and start with a value of 2 for the gravity. You may have to increase the value to get the desired effect. Make sure on your planet actors to check the not affected by gravity under the physics tab so your planets will not fall off the screen. There is no separate page for Stencyl users this time. Please continue following the instructions below.


The navigator  
Summary: Have the player pilot a ship using thrusters from one asteroid to another.
Total points: 100
  • Draw your own a sprite for the ship (5 Points) and rock (5 Points). Do not use graphics created by others.
  • Load a sprite for a "Continue" button. (2 Points)
  • Add a picture background, like a starry night, to the room where the game is played. (Not the plain black background shown in the video) (5 points)
  • Create a background for the title screen room. (5 points)
  • Create a background for the game over room. (5 points)
  • Include a sound for successfully landing. (5 points)
  • Include a sound for flying off the screen. (5 points)
  • Create an object for ship, rock start and rock end. (1 point each)
  • Continue button for Title screen. (2 points)
  • Ship
    • Set gravity during creation event. (5 points)
    • Send ship back to beginning (jump to start action) (5 points) and play a sound when ship flies off-screen (located under Other events). (5 points)
    • Set horizontal speed (use relative) when left (5 points) and right (5 points) keys pressed. Use a negative value for left and positive value for right.
    • Set vertical speed (use relative) when up key is pressed. Use a negative value. (5 points)
    • Play a sound (5 points)and display a message when player lands on second asteroid.(5 points)
Note for Gamemaker users: Use the Set Vertical Speed and Set Horizontal Speed actions and make sure to check the relative box.

Note for Stencyl users: Use keyboard events and the actor force actions to push the actor towards 0,270(up),180 degrees at a force (start at around 100 and gently). You'll have to tweak the force value to get the desired result. Click the scene and add input events for keyboard presses for left, up and right. Everytime the key is pressed it will add a little thrust. The thrust will not continue if you keep pressing the key. You just have to keep tapping it until you overcome the gravity. Add an updating event to the spaceship actor and use the flow action with the not option and choose actor on screen from the actor event options. Put what you want to happen if the actor is off the screen in here. Add the collision to the final planet in the updating event.

  • Create a room with the two rocks and ship. (5 points)
  • Create a Title screen room with the continue button. (5 Points)
  • Create a Game over room. (5 Points)
Game Information: Add the title of the assignment, your name and date to the game information (located under the resources menu item). (3 points)

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