jGed Genealogy Publisher

By Johnny Jarrell
(c) 2011-Present
Version: 1.03
Cost: Free
Download link: https://www.basicforkids.com/projects/jged-1-02.zip


jGed Genealogy Publisher is a program to convert genealogy gedcom (.ged) files into a series of web pages that can be uploaded to a website or put on portable media to give to others.

  1. Export your genealogy project to a .ged file.  I use the free MyHeritage Family Tree Builder, http://www.myheritage.com, but any program that exports a standard .ged file should work.
  2. Press the Convert GED file button.
  3. Choose a .ged file.
  4. Choose where you want to publish your site files. A folder called gedHTML is created  in the selected folder and the site files are placed inside the gedHTML folder.
  5. Optional: Enter a title to display at the top of your pages.
  6. Optional: Enter your name.
  7. Optional: Enter your personal website or blog.
  8. Use a FTP client such as FileZilla, http://filezilla-project.org, to upload the files to your website.


You can embed Google Analytics into the pages by creating a file called googleCode.txt with your google analytics code and saving it in the jGed program folder. Make sure to go to the end of the googleCode.txt file and hit the return key so the program will read your entire code in.
You can add a search bar on your pages if you use a service such as Atomz (http://www.atomz.com). Create a text file called searchForm.txt and paste the search form code in it. Make sure to add an extra line at the end of your code to make sure the whole code is imported.


Free to use and can distribute at no charge.

Change Log

1.03 – (Oct. 11, 2011) – Updated website link.
1.02 – (Sept. 30, 2011) – Added ability to include search bar.
1.01 – (Sept. 29, 2011) – Added settings file to handle sitename, author name and author site.
1.0 – (Sept. 27, 2011) – First release.

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