Programming for non-majors – Unit 3

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop a storyboard
  • Demonstrate the Say command
  • Construct a scene
  • Demonstrate an IF/ELSE command
  • Demonstrate the Loop command
  • Change object properties
  • Demonstrate commenting
  • Demonstrate Do Together command

To Do List

  1. Watch the lecture video
  2. Watch the assignment video
  3. Post your storyboard
  4. Complete the assignment
  5. Complete the chapter 3 quiz



Use the discussion board titled “Part 3 Storyboards” in Blackboard (or Epic for Academic Partnership students) and post your storyboard.


  • Chapter 3 – Programming: Putting Together the Pieces


Loops and IF/ELSE



Create a story and include the following programming elements that you have learned to use so far.

Total points: 100

  1. Create a simple storyboard in a Word or text document to describe your story. (10 Points)
  2. Add at least 2 actors and 3 scenery objects (20 Points)
  3. Use the say command (5 Points)
  4. Move the actors around (10 Points)
  5. Use at least one if/else command (20 Points)
  6. Use at least one loop (10 Points)
  7. Change the properties of an object. (See Page 41) (5 Points)
  8. Include commenting for your program. (See Page 42) (10 Points)
  9. Use Do Together (10 Points)
  10. Post your storyboard to the discussion area labeled “Part 3 Storyboards”.
  11. Submit your Alice project file in Blackboard (or Epic for Academic Partnership students).


Login to Blackboard and take the Chapter 3 quiz.

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